Saturday, June 12, 2010

Scientists discover new coral species in Galapagos waters

Many scientists thought that the current atmospheric pollution would extinct a big part of coral in the nearby future. Moreover, the temperature also plays a important role, like El Niño phenomenon, this is a periodic event which affects weather.
Coral reefs are formed by deposits of calcium carbonate. These receive nutrients from a symbiotic algae called zooxanthellae, this plant is responsible for their beautiful colour. The problem is that when temperatures rise the algae dies. The El Niño phenomenon increase the temperature for 23-29ºC to 30ºC and one of them happened in 1982–1983, killed around 95% of the coral in the Galapagos islads .
Scientists thought that Honeycomb coral had been extinct in 1997-1998 by the last big El Niño phenomenon.
Nevertheless this year, scientists have discovered three new coral species in Galapagos islands, and one of them is the Honeycomb coral. This fact has increased the hope that the coral reef be more resistant to the rising water temperatures than they expected. Appeared the algae might be adapting to warmer temperatures.
This discovery was covering a not studied in the last decades area, in addition they found some species that wasn`t discovered around Galapagos, and probably new species coral.
The result of the study suggest that a lot of coral dies for the increas of temperature because some species need more time to adapt to this change. Whereas some species can adapt very quickly.


Victoria said...

Hi Di!!
I like to much your articulate. Is very interesting. The nature is amazing! The species have a great ability to adapt in some situations.

Have a good day!!


Camila Agurto said...

interesting, I liked so much...I love the colour of the submarine species, they are so fluo :B

see you in class

Clau Molina Muñoz said...

diana: check the last sentence.

The result of the study suggest that a lot of coral dies for the "increase" of temperature because some species need more time to adapt "for" this change. Whereas some species can adapt very quickly.

I think that this is the right way.

post me!!!!

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