Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Death penalty

I think that this topic always will generate discussion, but I reckon that we need to be neutral and do not think and don`t act from the hatred.
In my opinion, death penalty is not fair and I disagree with this sentence. First of all, the trial `s decision might just be wrong and if the accused was sentenced to death there is no way back and regrets doesn`t work, you can`t just back in time and make a different decison. In addition, to my mind the death isn`t a real punishment, this person just will be frightened the time before of the execution and that`s all, I feel that in some cases this is not enough. I agree with effective life sentence, the problem could be the economic resources addressed to prisoners, but they can work for their food.
Besides, so far there is no indication of a crime`s decrease rate in countries that have death penalty, to my mind this mean that it isn`t a good way of to do justice, but a patch solution and society`s revenge that doesn`t lead to anywere.


Miss said...

I think that this topic always will generate discussion, but I reckon that we need to be neutral and do not think and don`t act from the hatred.
In my opinion, death penalty is not fair and I disagree with this sentence. First of all, the trial `s decision might just be wrong and if the accused was sentenced to death there is no way back and regrets doesn`t work, you can`t just back in time and make a different decison. In addition, to my mind the death isn`t a real punishment, this person just will be frightened the time before of the execution and that`s all, I feel that in some cases this is not enough. I agree with effective life sentence, the problem could be the economic resources addressed to prisoners, but they can work for their food.
Besides, so far there is no indication of a crime`s decrease rate in countries that have death penalty, to my mind this SVA mean that it isn`t a good way of to do justice, but a patch solution and society`s revenge that doesn`t lead to Sp anywere.

well done! I agree with you. We should not act with revenge...
a bit short I think...more development in your ideas

Miss said...

I think that this topic always will generate discussion, but I reckon that we need to be neutral and do not think and don`t act from the hatred.
In my opinion, death penalty is not fair and I disagree with this sentence. First of all, the trial `s decision might just be wrong and if the accused was sentenced to death there is no way back and regrets doesn`t work, you can`t just back in time and make a different decison. In addition, to my mind the death isn`t a real punishment, this person just will be frightened the time before of the execution and that`s all, I feel that in some cases this is not enough. I agree with effective life sentence, the problem could be the economic resources addressed to prisoners, but they can work for their food.
Besides, so far there is no indication of a crime`s decrease rate in countries that have death penalty, to my mind this mean that it isn`t a good way of to do justice, but a patch solution and society`s revenge that doesn`t lead to anywere.

I have written this correction 3 time!! the internet keeps failing!! anyway I agree with you since we should not do anything with revenge.
Good use of vocab but you need to develop your ideas a bit more

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