Friday, April 30, 2010

European Tour!!

Honestly, I think that every place has something special, so I wish I could have the money and the time enough to travel around the world.

Sadly I don`t know no one country yet, actually don`t know Chile very well either, so I think taht first of all I must to know my own country, but if I have to choose other country that will be Spain for many reasons: firstly beacuse in this contry I could to study Animal Etology and that is a topic very interesting to me and maybe I could make my postgraduate there.

Another reason to visit Spain is because I will love to make a tour through Europe, to swim in the Mediterranean Sea, to know the Greek`s legendary Coliseum, the Eiffel Tower, the Tower of Pisa, Venecia, etc.

Obviously this will be very expensive so meybe I will never do this, but aniway, to dream is free.. and I`ve heard that when you get at an european country is not much difficult to travel to other countries, besides I have an aunt in Barcelona so I could use family links at the beginning.


Victoria said...

Hi Diana!
I think that your idea is great!
Have a good day!
see you later...

Clau Molina Muñoz said...

I like the European tour idea...
sounds so exciting!
also it's a great idea a postgraduate classes out side!
see ya!

Evelyn said...

I am agree with you about every place has something special,in all places you can see bad and good things.
I don'y know Chile very well too. Same on we!!! But If we want travel we will need money. =(

~ ale ~ said...

I have the same dream!!! I would Adore to travel all around Europe too!

Ethology is an area of our career that fascinates me so the idea of studying it in Spain is very appealing to me as well.

Aaand like you... I would also like travel throughout Chile in orden to know more about my own country.


*DaNiela* said...

Hi Diana!!

It´s a good choice! I would like make an european tour too, but first Egypt! :D

And don´t be negative! Anything can happen in the future. Maybe everything can be possible ;)

see you in classes!,

Miss said...

Honestly, I think that every place has something special, so I wish I could have the money and the time enough to travel around the world.

Sadly I don`t know no one country yet, actually don`t know Chile very well either, so I think SP taht first of all I must to know my own country, but if I TENSE have to choose other country that TENSE will be Spain for many reasons: firstly beacuse in this contry I could to study Animal Etology and that is a topic very interesting to me and maybe I could make my postgraduate there.

Another reason to visit Spain is because I will love to make a tour through Europe, to swim in the Mediterranean Sea, to know the Greek`s legendary Coliseum, the Eiffel Tower, the Tower of Pisa, Venecia, etc.

Obviously this will be very expensive so SP meybe I will never do this, but SP aniway, to dream is free.. and I`ve heard that when you get at an european country is not much difficult to travel to other countries, besides I have an aunt in Barcelona so I could use family links at the beginning.

Well done!!clau I agree with you because first you need to know your own country first...
i´m sure you´ll visit it someday
p.s. you got a 5,8

p.s. I cant make comments to Claudia :(

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