Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Self Evaluation of my academic year (2009):

From my point of view all the years that I`ve been in the university studding this career are something like a small victory, because now I`m in fourth year and I can see the day of my graduate closer. I think that this is a reward for my effort so is very comforting.
In my opinion the last year was a good one, because finally I managed to pass all my subjects and I learned a lot, not just in the academic way, I did in terms of personal life too.
Obviously it wasn`t easy. The last year, and principally the last term was very hard, maybe the most difficult for me.

When I started this career, I was very immature and now I admit that I didn`t take all the opportunities to learn and enjoy the things that university offer because I felt a little overwhelmed. I think that the first year was difficult because everything was new, but if I compare that year with the last year, the last one was three times worse.

Like I said the 2009 had a lot of good things too. For example I started to have really interesting subjects, much more than first and second year, like physiopathology and semiology, which are more clinical than chemistry, anatomy and so on.
The experience of have my first clinical case, a dog called “Piri”, who had kidney tumor, was really useful and exciting. Sadly the dog finally was euthanized, because we couldn`t do anything else. But we learned a lot, even we helped in a transfusion blood and in an autopsy.

The other aspect that I value about the last year is that I grew like person, because now I feel that I`m more mature and ready to confront different challenges with more security and optimism because I feel able to do a lot of things if I try hard.
Another important and beautiful thing is related to friendship, because I Knew better to some friends the last year, when we started to meet for study and spent a lot of time together.
In spite of all the complications of that academic year, I think that if I had to evaluate it, I would say that the 2009 was a difficult, but exciting year, and I don`t be sorry for anything that I did, because I did my best, and even though I didn`t was the best student of the class , I improved and the current year I`m in the same way, which make me happy and to be proud.