Friday, April 30, 2010

European Tour!!

Honestly, I think that every place has something special, so I wish I could have the money and the time enough to travel around the world.

Sadly I don`t know no one country yet, actually don`t know Chile very well either, so I think taht first of all I must to know my own country, but if I have to choose other country that will be Spain for many reasons: firstly beacuse in this contry I could to study Animal Etology and that is a topic very interesting to me and maybe I could make my postgraduate there.

Another reason to visit Spain is because I will love to make a tour through Europe, to swim in the Mediterranean Sea, to know the Greek`s legendary Coliseum, the Eiffel Tower, the Tower of Pisa, Venecia, etc.

Obviously this will be very expensive so meybe I will never do this, but aniway, to dream is free.. and I`ve heard that when you get at an european country is not much difficult to travel to other countries, besides I have an aunt in Barcelona so I could use family links at the beginning.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

A hard last term

Always the second semester in the university has been more difficult than the first, or at least it seems to me, maybe because we are really tired and eager for summer vacations. But the last term of the year was especially hard, we was very busy with tests, practices, seminars, etc. that we didn`t have time for anything else. Nevertheless all this worth the sacrifice, because finally I managed to pass the subjects and I had my deserved vacation. Another good thing is that I knew better to my university friends, because we did have to share more time to help each other with the study, so our friendship grew stronger, the bad thing is that somebody retired of the university degree or fall behind after that stressful semester.During the last term I didn`t have much activities apart from be studying like crazy and practically move to friend`s house to keep studying. Finally at December and January I could have a rest and I could hang out with friends and my family, I went to the beach and to the south. Nevertheless at the end of February I didn`t have money and I get tired of doing nothing, so I have to confess that I did miss go to classes and I want to satart to do something useful again.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

To move through Santiago city

To across the city is not an easy work for anybody, even for car drivers, they ussually stuck in traffic y frecuently in downtown they do not to find parking. However, the most affected are the Public Transport users, it mean, Transantiago and subway too. Sincerely, to arrive to the university is a nightmare to me. I have two opcions to get arrive: take bus-subway-bus or bus-bus-bus. Although both are equally large, I prefer take three buses, with the purpose of to avoid to travel all squashed together. But the buses aren`t wonderful either.
I think that the buses are wrong designed, the seats are uncomfortables and the handrails are to tall for short pelople like me.
The control of the frecuency is not enough, often i had to wait for a bus even for twenty minutes.
A good idea was the pay system, to pay with Bip! card is easy and quick. The only problem is the people who doesn`t pay, but this can get fixed with pay machines in every bus stop, like in Alameda St.
The transantiago is getting better, but really slowly, one example is the increase of routes and the fact that at the beginning many village didn`t had a near bus stop and now they get.

Is difficult for me to compare the old system with the current, because I didn`t use the Public Transport as now. In the yellow buses time, I was studying in school and that was near to my house, so I used to walk and I didn`t use frecuently the buses at peak hours.

Finally, I don`t think that this system is worse than the old one, but the expectation was higher, so obviously the controversy come up